Kokoro - Wandering Through a Photographic Life

Backstage Kokoro

A "behind-the-scenes" look at selected images in my Kokoro project —
Content, photographic notes, EXIF data, creative process, miscellaneous commentary, and original digital captures. And now with additional audio comments about selected images!

From Kokoro #065 - Beauty in Detail

It's an old joke in landscape photography that the photographer's most useful accessory is a 12-gauge shot gun — handy for getting rid of unwanted tree limbs and telephone lines. Today, however, even handier is the Photoshop "content-aware" deletion tool.

This image had two phone wires that cut directly across the photograph. Took me about 30 seconds to get rid of both of them. Without buckshot. Check out the link below to the original digital capture for a comparison.

By the way, this image is used as an "establishing shot" — borrowing the term from the movie business. It's not part of the artwork, but is an important part of the presentation. It's let's you know where you are before you are lost in the details. Always a good idea to get a shot like this when you are in the field. Never know when or how you might need it.

Original digital capture (downsized for the web)

1/500 sec at f / 10, ISO 160, Sony DSC-R1, 14.3-71.5 mm f/2.8-4.8, 24.8 mm

New! Additional audio comment about this image

Email me and let me know what you think!